- Smetana Hall (in reconstruction), Smetanovy sady 179/2
- Education Centre + PC + data projector, Smetanovy sady 179/2
- General study room, Smetanovy sady 179/2
- Lecture Room in the German and Austrian Libraries, nám. Republiky 105/12
- Lecture Hall in English Library, nám. Republiky 105/12
- Europa House Gallery, nám. Republiky 105/12
- Conference Hall in Bory, Klatovská tř. 2770/200k
- 1st floor – hall EAST, Smetanovy sady 179/2
- 1st floor – hallway EAST, Smetanovy sady 179/2
- 1st floor – corridor SOUTH, Smetanovy sady 179/2
- 1st floor – corridor WESTERN, Smetanovy sady 179/2
- 1st floor – corridor NORTH, Smetanovy sady 179/2
- 2nd floor – hall EAST, Smetanovy sady 179/2
- 2nd floor – corridor SOUTH, Smetanovy sady 179/2
Cost of hiring: see the SVK PK price list.
Orders: Education and Librarianship Organisation section
- Central library – for groups of a maximum of 30 people over the age of 12, the excursion includes information about the history of the building and the library. explanation of library services, including a tour of workplaces accessible for public (circulation desk, study rooms, open access section) in the central building and practical demonstrations of searching and ordering in the library catalogue.
- Historical stock section – for groups of a maximum of 15 people over the age of 12, the excursion includes an explanation of the history of books and printing with examples.
- Section of foreign libraries – for groups of a maximum of 30 people, the excursion includes a tour of all workplaces, including the Europa House Gallery in the Europa House, nám. Republiky 105/12 with an explanation of the department’s services.