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  • Online services

  • 2,05 milion books online catalogue
    600 thousand pages digital library
    0,5 milion articles database
  • Self-service returning and borrowing

  • (Бібліотека допомагає)

  • Service ZASILKA

  • Online services

  • 2,05 milion books online catalogue
    600 thousand pages digital library
    0,5 milion articles database
  • (Бібліотека допомагає)

    ІНФОРМАЦІЯ ДЛЯ ГРОМАДЯН УКРАЇНИ В ЧЕХІЇ У ЗВ'ЯЗКУ З КОНФЛІКТОМ В УКРАЇНІ! Зателефонуйте на інформаційну лінію для громадян України: +420 974 801 802 (працює цілодовобо) Електронна пошта: Following its independence, Ukraine declared itself a neutral state; it formed a limited military partnership with Russia and other CIS countries while also establishing a [...]

  • (Бібліотека допомагає)

    ІНФОРМАЦІЯ ДЛЯ ГРОМАДЯН УКРАЇНИ В ЧЕХІЇ У ЗВ'ЯЗКУ З КОНФЛІКТОМ В УКРАЇНІ! Зателефонуйте на інформаційну лінію для громадян України: +420 974 801 802 (працює цілодовобо) Електронна пошта: Following its independence, Ukraine declared itself a neutral state; it formed a limited military partnership with Russia and other CIS countries while also establishing a [...]

  • (Бібліотека допомагає)

    ІНФОРМАЦІЯ ДЛЯ ГРОМАДЯН УКРАЇНИ В ЧЕХІЇ У ЗВ'ЯЗКУ З КОНФЛІКТОМ В УКРАЇНІ! Зателефонуйте на інформаційну лінію для громадян України: +420 974 801 802 (працює цілодовобо) Електронна пошта: Following its independence, Ukraine declared itself a neutral state; it formed a limited military partnership with Russia and other CIS countries while also establishing a [...]





  • Self-service returning and borrowing

    samoskaSVKPK - get acquainted with new self-check services for returning and borrowing the [...]

  • Change in the operation of the Special study room

    From 12/5/2023 until further notice, the opening hours of the Special study room are changing: Mon–Fri 8:00–16:00. Thank you for your [...]

  • The Romance Library closed

    The Romance Library is closed for technical reasons. The book collection can be ordered via the SVK PK online catalog and books can be picked up and returned at the German and Austrian Libraries, nám. Republiky 12, Mon 13-17, Tue, Wed, Thu 9-12 and 13-17, Fri [...]

  • Europa House Gallery of the SVK PK open

    You can visit the Europa House Gallery of the SVK PK again, during normal opening hours: Mo 13–17, Tue, Wed, Thu 9am–12pm and 1pm–5pm, Fri [...]

  • Music study room closed

    Dear readers, the music study room is shut down. You can order audio CDs through the online catalog and borrow and return them at the loan registration desk. They cannot be returned to the bibliobox. Onsite borrowing of music, spoken word and video on LP, CD and DVD carriers is possible in the special and general study rooms. VHS and MC media can be ordered and borrowed in one of the reading [...]

  • Self-service returning and borrowing

    samoskaSVKPK - get acquainted with new self-check services for returning and borrowing the [...]

  • Change in the operation of the Special study room

    From 12/5/2023 until further notice, the opening hours of the Special study room are changing: Mon–Fri 8:00–16:00. Thank you for your [...]

  • Manuscripts from library fund freely on the Internet

    Manuscripts Study and Research Library of the Pilsen Region are freely available in the digital library MANUSCRIPTORIUM. Český jednohlasý rorátník [rukopis]. – [Čechy, konec 16. st.]. – 126 l. ; 19,3 cm Nový zákon lnářský. Bible. N.Z. Česky. Druhá redakce [rukopis]. – [Čechy, první pol. 15. st.]. – 164 l. zach.-def. ; 6° (11,5 cm) Sermones de tempore et de sanctis [rukopis]. – [Čechy, [...]

  • Cambridge examinations at the English Library of the SVK PK

    The English Library of the SVK PK has been a regional administrator for the internationally acknowledged Cambridge examinations. We deal with registration for and the organisation of these examinations in collaboration with the British Council in Prague. Test your knowledge of English online – Would you like to take an examination but do not know which level to apply for? You can easily found out [...]

  • Databases accessible from home

    At is ready for you remote access from your home to the licensed databases Anopress, Ebsco , ProQuest and JSTOR. Enter your login and password identical to your account in the electronic catalog [...]

  • Newspapers and magazines from around the world

    They are available from home using your library at database PressReader . Offered as the Die Presse, The Guardian, Elle, Le Figaro, The Washington Post and many others. [...]

  • Manuscripts from library fund freely on the Internet

    Manuscripts Study and Research Library of the Pilsen Region are freely available in the digital library MANUSCRIPTORIUM. Český jednohlasý rorátník [rukopis]. – [Čechy, konec 16. st.]. – 126 l. ; 19,3 cm Nový zákon lnářský. Bible. N.Z. Česky. Druhá redakce [rukopis]. – [Čechy, první pol. 15. st.]. – 164 l. zach.-def. ; 6° (11,5 cm) Sermones de tempore et de sanctis [rukopis]. – [Čechy, [...]

  • Cambridge examinations at the English Library of the SVK PK

    The English Library of the SVK PK has been a regional administrator for the internationally acknowledged Cambridge examinations. We deal with registration for and the organisation of these examinations in collaboration with the British Council in Prague. Test your knowledge of English online – Would you like to take an examination but do not know which level to apply for? You can easily found out [...]


Book news

Where to find us

Education and Research Library of Pilsen Region logo

Education and Research Library
of the Pilsen Region,
Allowance Organisation

Smetanovy sady 2, 301 00 Plzeň


phone +420 377 306 911,
+420 377 224 249

fax +420 377 325 478

Excise 00078077


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