Mandatory information pursuant to Act No. 106/1999 Coll., On Free Access to Information, as amended:

Number Title Data
1. The name of the organization Education and Research Library of Pilsen Region, non-funded organisation
2. Reason and method of establishment

SVK PK founding certificate

Founding certificate on the basis of the provisions of § 35 par. 2 let. j) of Act No. 129/2000 Coll., on regions (regional establishment), provisions of Section 27 of Act No. 250/200 Coll., on budgetary rules of territorial budgets, provisions of Section 2 of Act No. 157/2000 Coll., on transition certain things, rights and obligations from the property of the Czech Republic to the property of the regions and Act No. 53/1959 Coll., on the Unified System of Libraries (Library Act), as amended, is issued by the Pilsen Region on the basis of Resolution of the Pilsen Regional Council No. 43 / 01 of 28 August 2001.

3. Organizational structure SVK PK Structure of departments
4. Contact connectio
4.1 Contact postal address Studijní a vědecká knihovna Plzeňského kraje
Smetanovy sady 179/2
301 00 Plzeň
4.2 Office address for a personal visit Studijní a vědecká knihovna Plzeňského kraje
SVK PK directorat
filing room
Smetanovy sady 179/2
301 00 Plzeň
4.3 Office Hours see opening hours
4.4 Phone +420 377 306 911, +420 377 224 249
4.5 Fax number +420 377 325 478 (fax)
4.6 Website address
4.7 Registry office address
4.8 Other email addresses
5. Any payments can be remitted KB Plzeň, account number: 26133311/0100; variable symbol in format: 106MMRRRR
6. Organization identification number (IČ) 00078077
7. Tax identification number (VAT) (non VAT)
8. Documents Documents
8.1 List of basic documents SVK PK founding certificate, Library Regulations, SVK PK Annual report
8.2 Budget Budgets of contributory organizations of the Pilsen Region
9. Requests for information Postal Address:
Studijní a vědecká knihovna Plzeňského kraje
Smetanovy sady 179/2, 301 00 Plzeň
Email addresses:
ID data box: gkhgxey
10. Request for applications and other submissions, ID data box: gkhgxey
11. Remedies An appeal against the decision of SVK PK to reject the application can be filed within 15 days from the date of delivery of the decision or the expiration of the deadline for processing the application. An appeal is lodged only in writing at: Studijní a vědecká knihovna Plzeňského kraje – director, Smetanovy sady 179/2, 301 00 Plzeň. The appeal must contain the name and surname of the applicant, the address or the name and registered office of the natural or legal person (if the information was requested on his behalf), in which the violation of the law, what the applicant demands and the applicant’s signature is seen.
SVK PK shall submit the appeal together with the file material to the superior body within 15 days from the date of delivery of the appeal. The superior body shall decide on the appeal within 15 days from the date of submission of the appeal by SVK PK. The deadline for the decision on dissolution is 15 working days from the date of delivery of the SVK PK dissolution. The deadline cannot be extended.
12. Forms Information request form
13. Descriptions of procedures – instructions for solving life situations Life situations
14. Regulations
14.1 The most important regulations used Act No. 1/1993 Coll., The Constitution of the Czech Republic, Act No. 106/1999 Coll., On Free Access to Information, Act No. 257/2001 Coll., On Libraries and Conditions for the Operation of Public Library Services and Information Services.
See also Library Regulations, Article 1.
15. Payments for providing information
15.1 Fee schedule for providing information SVK PK Fee schedule for providing information
15.2 Resolution of the parent body on the amount of fees for the provision of information No resolution was issued.
16. License agreements
16.1 Sample license agreements License agreements
16.2 Exclusive license No exclusive licenses have been granted.
17. Annual report Annual information reports